
PTA News: Everyone preparing to start school year

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Classrooms beckon students returning for a new year of learning, and leading the Glendale Council PTA with the theme “Challenges Create Opportunities” is President Elizabeth Manasserian.

“On behalf of Glendale Council PTA I welcome parents, teachers, students and community back to school year 2010-2011,” she said. “It is going to be an exciting one for all of us and our goals are community involvement and advocacy.”

Manasserian encourages community members to visit the council’s website at and join the high school of their choice if they do not have students in the Glendale Unified School District.

“We believe PTA family not only includes parents, teachers and students, but also embraces community, alumni and anyone who believes in education and the future of our schools and children,” she said. “Attending meetings are not mandatory but each membership gives PTA a vote in the state. Welcome back and don’t forget to join PTA and make your voice count for 9 million California children.”

Glendale High School

Principal Deb Rinder extends a welcome on the start of another year. It also marks the kickoff of football, and fans can cheer the Nitros on at 7 p.m. Sept. 10 when Glendale plays Cathedral at Moyse Stadium. On Sept. 17 the Nitros again play on home turf as they take on La Cañada.

A PTSA meeting is set for 6 p.m. in the school library led by President Sydney Swainston. Students are urged to participate in the PTA Reflections Arts Program with details available from home room and art teachers. There are no entry fees.

Forms and guidelines are at The deadline for submissions is Oct. 22, said Reflections Chairwoman Betty Fritz. The theme is “Together We Can…” and winners have a chance to go on to regional, state and national competition.

Wilson Middle School

Wilson PTSA President Hilda Hovsepian reports that the Howdy Nights and textbook checkout events ran smoothly with students, parents and teachers excited to begin the year.

Co-historian Linda Guzik announces that the annual PTSA membership drive is underway. Membership Chairwoman Dina Calis urges the Wilson community to show commitment to public education and Wilson Middle School by joining the PTSA. Membership, which is only $6 per person, helps support wonderful programs at the school along with the efforts of the California State and National PTAs advocating for better education for our children.

On Sept. 13, the Reflections Arts Program officially starts. Guzik reports that all students are encouraged to participate by creating art that supports the theme “Together We Can...”

The annual Signature Fundraising Campaign launches Sept. 17. Students will sell gift wrap through Oct. 1 to raise funds, says Guzik. All parents are asked to participate to help meet Wilson’s fundraising goals.

Glenoaks Elementary School

Glenoaks is gearing up for a busy year, and the PTA is excited to work with new Principal Kristine Siegal, said PTA President Jennifer Palacios.

A First Day Welcome Coffee in the auditorium for new and returning parents is immediately after drop-off today. Parents will hear the principal speak and be able to sign up for volunteer positions in their child’s classroom, library and computer lab, as well as offer assistance for other wonderful PTA programs and events.

The annual PTA Membership Drive begins Sept. 1. Membership Chair Asiya Hasan encourages all families to participate by enrolling at least one member. Membership is only $7. The school hopes to meet their 100 percent membership goal again.

In lieu of an annual Gift Wrap Fundraiser, the PTA is going green with a monetary Donation Drive. Urging the school community to assist the PTA in its efforts to raise $20,000 for Glenoaks is Fundraising Chair Leigh Helberg, who explains that funds support school assemblies, busing for field trips, programs such as Howdy Night and Globe Fest, the Glenoaks Green Team, Reflections, community outreach and many others sponsored by the PTA throughout the year.

On Sept. 10, teachers and staff will be treated to a Welcome Back Luncheon, and the Reflections Arts Program kicks off Sept. 23. The PTA welcomes staff, teachers and parents back to school. Everyone is looking forward to another great year!

EDNA KARINSKI covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. E-mail
