
Editorial: Expectations grow with federal funds

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What started out as a coming together of community stakeholders to address a common problem in teen drug abuse morphed into a bona fide organization with $625,000 in federal backing this week — a major endorsement of the Crescenta Valley Drug and Alcohol Prevention Coalition’s mission.

The five-year grant from the Obama administration announced this week also does more than just provide deep pockets; it effectively advances the coalition’s cause beyond whatever previously thought possible.

Suddenly, afterschool hang outs and programming seem puny in terms of what can now be accomplished with such a large amount of money. Surely, a prestigious federal grant award can be parlayed into more commitments from not just the local community, but elevate applications on the county and state level as well.

The ball rolling down the snow hill should then also grow to include a sophisticated, comprehensive response to what the teen drug abuse issue afflicting the foothill areas. And so goes the saying: To whom much is given, much is expected.

Now is certainly the time to match the momentum of such a windfall with a serious — and exciting — conversation about the future role and direction of the coalition.
