
Mailbag: Ready to vote for Schiff again

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I am somewhat surprised at the inaccuracies included in prior tea-party-type letters criticizing our elected member of Congress here in the 29th District.

Rep. Adam Schiff has a laudable record, both as our representative in the House of Representatives and in his service on the House Judiciary Committee.

When the nation was scandalized at the wiretapping of Americans by the National Security Agency and the House Judiciary had their basement hearings on the subject, Schiff’s defense of our constitutional guarantees balanced with national security were right on the mark.

His record as a federal prosecutor and as a member of Congress have shown him to be in the forefront of strong penalties for immigrant-smuggling “coyotes,” drug traffickers and in support of tools to allow law enforcement to protect us. Fact checks would show the animus and political attacks to be just that!

Why has Schiff received the endorsement of every police and fire organization in the 29th District, along with L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca? Because he is there every time the communities he represents need him.

His sound judgment and deliberation make him both a thoughtful and responsible member of Congress and easily explain why I will vote for him on Nov. 2 and have been proud to vote for him in the past!

Thomas P. O’Shaughnessy


Fee increases aren’t the way to go

Proposition 25 will reduce the legislative vote required to make changes to the California budget from the two-thirds majority requirement currently in effect to a simple majority.

The two-thirds vote requirement is the last bastion of defense against the fiscally irresponsible politicians in Sacramento who have led California into the financial ditch we are in. If Proposition 25 passes, the spendthrift legislative majority will have a field day. Taxes will surely go up, more businesses will leave the state (raising unemployment), and things will go from bad to worse.

Have you noticed the massive increase in your DMV fees? That is what will surely happen to your property and income taxes. Stop the fiscal irresponsibility in Sacramento and vote no on Proposition 25!

Tim Lewis

