
Principal threatens to dye hair green

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Fall colors abound, but green dominates at Glenoaks Elementary, where Principal Kristine Siegal will spray paint her hair green if 100% participation in PTA membership is reached by Oct. 15.

PTA President Jennifer Palacios said the principal hair-painting began several years ago, and students love it. “Luckily, principals have been good sports,” she added.

Glenoaks’ PTA is holding an eco-friendly drive. Since the school’s Green Team educates students and staff about environmental responsibility, Chair Leigh Helberg said students would sell $10 squares on recyclable paper similar to bingo cards instead of gift wrap.

Glendale High

Sydney Swainston, PTSA president, mentions the Reflections Art Program running through Oct. 22. The theme “Together We Can …” accepts student entries in various categories. Guidelines are at

Reserve cheers for football when the Nitros challenge Crescenta Valley on Moyse Field Oct. 1. Also on home turf are the Nitros vs. Burbank on Oct. 7.

Wilson Middle

PTSA membership is off to a roaring start. “More than 500 have already joined,” said Chair Dina Calis, “but we are still short our 663-member goal.” Families are encouraged to enroll one member at $6 per person, and Hilda Hovsepian, president, says there is no requirement to volunteer or attend meetings. Participation is never mandatory, but membership supports children, schools and better public education.

The community is encouraged to join. Checks should be made payable to Wilson PTSA, and directed to the school office.

Glenoaks Elementary

Linda Guzik, Green Team co-chair, reports that Glenoaks joins students around the globe on Oct. 6 for “Walk to School Day.”

“We hope to continue weekly with a ‘Walk to School Wednesday’ to ease school traffic, raise safety awareness, help keep kids active, and remind us that we do not have to be so dependant on driving to neighborhood schools,” she said.

R.D. White Elementary

PTA President Laurel Whitcomb-Perlman reports that the Family Picnic was memorable. R.D. White also seeks Box Tops for Education, and clippings can be sent to the school.

Verdugo Woodlands Elementary

PTA President Janet Lazier welcomes everyone. “For those new to Verdugo Woodlands, I offer an invitation to immerse yourselves in a community not only talented, creative and energetic, but involved, caring and committed to students and families,” she said. The next Woodlanders Are Volunteers for Education meeting is at 6 p.m. Oct. 12 on campus.

Joy of Giving is the annual W.A.V.E. fundraiser where you can directly improve the quality of education in your child’s classroom. Teachers are organizing wish lists of items to enhance the educational experience, and families may make donations through Oct. 1. PTA meets at 6 p.m. Sept. 21 in the cafeteria.

College View

Amy Keating Rogers, PTA president, invites everyone to join for just $10 a membership. Back to School Night beckons at 6 p.m. Oct. 7 with a PTA Assn. meeting at 7 p.m.

Edna Karinski covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. Email
