
Mailbag: Readjust Fiorina’s misdirected finger

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Dear Carly Fiorina: The blame game: falsely placing guilt on your opponent for an act one does not commit is deceitful if not outright shameful.

Before coming to Glendale and using the New Horizons day care center as an example of wasted federal funds (“Senate candidate slams local project,” Sept. 13), you should have done your homework and researched just what Maria Rochart, the nonprofit’s founder, has accomplished with low-income youth and their families. All of us should praise Rochart for attempting to build a “Children’s Village” child care facility. This is what the community really needs and desires.

Placing blame on Sen. Barbara Boxer for voting on the stimulus bill is deceptive and totally distracts from the real culprits for the failure of our economy. If you really wanted to point the finger at wasteful federal funds, you should have stood on the rooftop of Chase bank, the former Washington Mutual, and blamed Washington for the fraud and taxpayer bailout of our banking and financial system.

If that were not enough, you could have taken a ride to Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park and stood on the lawn and pointed out the graves of our patriotic and courageous, innocent youth who have traded their lives for the lies of Washington and the Pentagon, which have wasted trillions of taxpayer’s money on these wars.

Finally, to save yourself, you should encourage the City Council to save the child care center and continue to seek funds to build this much needed facility.

Mike Gomez


Northstar findings: a price too high

I could not agree more with Gary Huerta’s observations on Northstar Destination Strategies’ findings as reported to city officials last week (“A Balcony View: Common knowledge is getting expensive,” Sept. 20).

As owner of a brand identity design firm here in Northwest Glendale, I know of what I speak, as does Gary, who has extensive background of his own in branding and design. The emperor’s new clothes indeed!

Glendale has paid a lot of money for a hill of beans and magic dust. If we are home to an extensive community of creative talent, why wasn’t this project done locally by people who live here in Glendale and know the nuances of this community?

Such a waste of taxpayer dollars and an opportunity to support local Glendale businesses!

Jeff Lawson

Think locally, spend locally

In a state near the top of the national unemployment numbers, what a thrill it was to see that when it came to a makeover of Glendale’s “boring” image, the Redevelopment Agency turned to a company in Nashville, Tennessee, to do the heavy lifting (“Glendale boring? Some think so,” Sept. 15).

Lord knows, there’s no one in Los Angeles who knows anything about marketing and branding.

Thanks, folks. Thanks a bunch.

Gary Durrett
