
Mailbag: Bailiff had something against Capri pants

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Bailiff had something against Capri pants

I had an appointment on Sept. 27 to appear in Los Angeles County Superior Court in Glendale. The “why” of it doesn’t matter.

On the courtroom door was a sign indicating that appropriate attire must be worn in court. OK, fine. I was wearing a tailored shirt and calf-length Capri pants.

Upon entering the courtroom, the bailiff asked me to step outside.

Whatever for, I wondered.

Well, he asked me where I Iived. I told him La Crescenta, and he sent me home to put on long pants!

When I came back to the courtroom, I watched as a female attorney entered wearing a skirt that barely covered her you-know-what. Another young lady was wearing a mini denim skirt; another was in jeans that had huge holes at the knees. Many of the men were wearing jeans.

Could someone, anyone, please explain what was appropriate about their attire and not mine?

Judy Seelig

La Crescenta

Huerta column didn’t belong in the paper

Gary Huerta has no right invading the privacy of his daughter and former wife (“A Balcony View: Struggling with emancipation,” Sept. 27). And the Glendale News-Press has no business publishing this invasion of privacy.

What makes it even more egregious is that his family has no chance to present its side of the story to the public. No wonder his daughter wants to change her name. It must be very embarrassing to have a father saying derogatory things about you in print.

But there is more. Since dropping Will Rogers, the News-Press has no columnist writing about city government. Far more readers of the News-Press are interested in city government than in Huerta’s private life.

Huerta should be replaced by a local version of The Times’ George Skelton or Tim Rutten who will offer comments about the governments of Glendale and Burbank. As we know from The Times articles about the city of Bell, newspapers should pay attention to local governments.

Stanton J. Price

