
Please come by and vote on Nov. 2

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On Nov. 2, all polling place workers, including myself, will be at our assigned polling places at 6 a.m. to set up the place for the 7 a.m. opening. And we will be there until the closing time, which is 8 p.m. It will also take another 30 minutes to 40 minutes to close down the place, do paperwork and have the ballots ready to be counted.

It will be a long day for us, and even longer day if you don’t show up and keep us busy.

So do come in, it will take a short time to vote. You will get a “thank you for coming” and a nice tri-color sticker: red, white and blue!

Sarkis Abrahamian



Don’t forget about Jerry Brown’s past

Kudos to Joseph Di Sante and his excellent memory (“Three cheaters, one front-page photo,” Oct. 20).

How quickly we forget history! I thought my husband and I were the only ones who remembered the connection between Jerry Brown and liberal California Supreme Court Chief Justice Rose Bird. Remember the Tate-La Bianca murders? California taxpayers today are still paying for the incarceration of convicted murderer Charlie Manson and several of his followers because of Rose Bird’s decision in that case.

And don’t forget Jerry Brown gave California state employees the right to “unionize” with collective bargaining rights in the early 1980s. As a result, California taxpayers have paid “union” wages, health benefits, sick leave, vacation and pension benefits, etc. for state employees, many of whom can retire at age 55, and most can retire with a pension based on their highest year’s compensation.

Sherry Stubbs

La Crescenta
