
Girl struck by vehicle on Rosemont Avenue

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A 13-year-old girl struck by an SUV Wednesday morning as she crossed the street in front of Rosemont Middle School appeared to have escaped with minor injuries, but was transported by helicopter to a hospital for observation, officials said.

The girl, who authorities did not identify, was transported by helicopter to Childrens Hospital Los Angeles for observation because of a prior medical condition, said California Highway Patrol Officer Ming-Yang Hsu.

The girl’s mother stopped on northbound Rosemont Avenue about 7:50 a.m. to let her daughter out, Hsu said. The girl walked south for a short distance, and then proceeded across the street.

“She was crossing the street…just as a car was pulling out of the driveway,” Hsu said.

The Ford Escape SUV, driven by a Rosemont parent, was traveling at a low rate of speed when it struck the girl, who ended up on the sidewalk, Hsu said. Officers are investigating whether the girl failed to use a crosswalk, and whether she was thrown to the curb by the force of the impact or remained on her feet and walked to the curb, Hsu added.

“We are still trying to determine if she fell to the ground or if she got knocked to the ground,” he said.

The victim’s mother was still at the La Crescenta campus at the time of the accident.

A helicopter landed on the school’s upper field to pick up the girl.

Glendale Unified is no stranger to pedestrian accidents around its school sites. On Oct. 30, 2008, 11-year-old Meri Nalbandian was struck and killed by a vehicle as she used a crosswalk near Toll Middle School in Glendale. Authorities said the vehicle was traveling at about 10 mph at the time of impact.

Motorists need to use extra caution in school zones, officials said, and can’t depend on children using properly marked crosswalks.

“We want to encourage parents to make use of the appropriate drop-off and pick-up zones at all times, and please avoid having the children cross the street in front of other cars,” said Glendale Unified Deputy Supt. John Garcia. “We are very relieved to know that this student is doing well.”
