
Music students give performances

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The Glendale Community College music department offers a wide range of courses in fundamentals, musicianship, harmony, appreciation, history, technology and recording as well as classes in piano, voice and guitar. And the applied music program makes private lessons available on most instruments, including voice.

Part of the curriculum for many music students is live performance. Performing ensembles will be holding concerts this month and in December, and vocalists and instrumentalists will be participating in recitals.

The Saturday Jazz Band and Vocal Jazz Ensemble will perform together in concert at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 29 in the GCC Auditorium, 1500 N. Verdugo Road. Craig Kupka and Clare Delto are the music directors for the concert, which will feature jazz and pop tunes. The Jazz Band will give a big band concert at 4 p.m. Nov. 21 in the auditorium under the direction of Kupka. Admission to either performance is $7 general and $5 for students and seniors.

The applied music program will showcase its best instrumentalists and vocalists in a recital at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 3 in the auditorium. Bethany Pflueger is the coordinator. Admission to the recital is free.

Jayne Campbell will lead the College Choir, Chamber Singers and Opera Vignettes in a holiday-themed concert at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 in the auditorium. The groups will perform holiday music and works by Lauridsen, Mozart, Gilbert and Sullivan, Rutter and Handel. Admission is $7 general and $5 for students and seniors.

Pflueger conducts the Glendale College Community Orchestra, which will perform at 3 p.m. Dec. 5 in the auditorium. Admission is $7 general and $5 for students and seniors. The program will include Schubert’s “Unfinished Symphony,” Smetana Dances from “Bartered Bride,” and concerto movements with timpani, bassoon and clarinet soloists.

Two free recitals will be held on Dec. 7. The Chamber Music Recital will be at 4 p.m. Theodora Primes coordinates the ensembles from the chamber music class in their final recital. Students of Peter Green will give the piano recital at 7:30 p.m.

The final music performance of the semester is the Concert Singers at 4 p.m. Dec. 12 at First Lutheran Church, 1300 E. Colorado St.

Green is music director for the group, which will perform music by Eric Whitacre, Lane Johnson and composer-in-residence David Layne. The concert will include holiday favorites. Admission is $10 general and $7 forstudents and seniors.

Summer study offered in Japan

Glendale Community College is offering a study-abroad excursion to Japan this summer from June 18 to July 16, with pre-trip, on-campus meetings June 13 to 17.

The college has offered programs in summer, winter and spring to Paris, Prague, Armenia, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Italy, Greece and Ireland among others.

In Japan, GCC professors Shihoko Tatsugawa and Mari Lopez will teach level two and three Japanese-language courses where the program will be based in Tokyo. Students will be able to practice their language skills on several outings, including the area near Mt. Fuji, at a tea ceremony, while visiting hot springs and on a trip to the Ghibli Museum.

Interested participants must enroll in six units and take Japanese 048 and either Japanese 102 or 103. The cost is $2,995 and includes airfare, accommodations, some meals, a local rail pass and side trips.

Another summer study-abroad trip is being planned for Bali where students will take geography and anthropology courses.

Study-abroad programs at the college follow the guidelines developed by the Council on International Educational Exchange for the U.S. Department of State, which focus on expansion of student opportunities for study and work abroad as well as the guidelines of the California Colleges for International Education, a consortium of California community colleges.

More information on GCC’s study-abroad opportunities may be obtained by calling (818) 240-1000, Ext. 5718 or by e-mail at

WENDY GROVE is public information coordinator at Glendale Community College. Her column runs once a month. Reach her at (818) 551-5161 or by e-mail at

