
Voting is more than the call of duty

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This was my first year as a poll worker in Glendale. I recommend it for anyone who questions whether our democratic system is working.

First, a number of parents brought in their teen children to vote for the first time. In one case, a young lady, when presented with her “I Voted” sticker, asked if her younger brother could have one so he could show his friends at school that his sister had voted.

Second, another young lady, who now lives and works in Santa Monica but is still registered here in Glendale, left work early and drove through heavy evening traffic to arrive just in time to vote, saying “I’m glad I made it. I didn’t want to miss my chance to vote.”

Then, an elderly gentleman very slowly made his way up the driveway to the polling place, pushing his walker with its one set of wheels and two metal legs with their ends covered by bright yellow tennis balls.

I asked him why he hadn’t used a mail-in ballot and he said, “I don’t want to be an absentee voter! I want to come in here and vote in person.”

I ended the day feeling that, however messy, democracy is alive and well here.

Dan Cabrera


Glendale needs flies on the wall, too

The recent revelations in the city of Bell should be a wake-up call for all Glendale residents and especially critics of “gadflies,” better known as “advocates.”

If it weren’t for their time and effort, Glendale could end up in the same fix as Bell. Advocates volunteer their time and should be commended and supported for their continued efforts in keeping our leaders on their toes and hopefully honest.

Long live freedom of speech and transparency!

Elaine Alexander

