
Foothill residents urged to be vigilant against debris flows

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Los Angeles County officials this week warned foothill residents to stay vigilant against possible debris flows despite forecasts of a dryer winter.

Representatives from Los Angeles County public works, sheriff and fire departments addressed the Crescenta Valley Town Council Thursday night to brief residents on preparations for the coming rainy season.

While weather agencies have forecast a potentially dryer “La Nina” winter rain season, officials still urged residents to lay sandbags and take other precautions to protect their homes against potential mud and debris.

Even a below-average rain season can have a few intense storms that trigger debris flows, officials said.

“You shouldn’t let your guard down,” said Steven Sheridan, assistant division engineer for county water resources. “From where we stand, that doesn’t mean much.”

Sheridan briefed residents on the expansion of several local debris basins and repairs to other county facilities meant to direct water and debris away from homes.

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