
Glendale City Council Meeting Preview

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Security grant

The City Council on Tuesday is expected to accept a $370,671 grant that would help pay for a number of city police and fire department projects.

Among them, would be training for biological, chemical and search and rescue tactics, automatic license plate readers, a fire departemtn terrorism liaison officer, and high-definition video receivers for the police helicopters, according to a city report.

What to expect

The council will likely accept the grant, which is administered by the city of Los Angeles.

Meeting cancellations

The council will likely cancel regular meetings scheduled for Dec. 21 and 28, due to the holidays, and restart in January. The holiday break from City Hall meetings is typical, but special meetings can still be called if needed.

What to expect

The holiday break will likely be approved, as in years past.

Department consolidation

The Community Planning Department will be merged with the Community Development Department under an ordinance to the City Council on Tuesday. If approved, they would be combined to form the new Community Development Department.

With the consolidation would come a reshuffling of job titles and duties, but the change is expected to reduce redundancies and streamline operations, officials say.

What to expect

The council will likely approve the change, given that the consolidation was initially endorsed in October.


What: Glendale City Council meeting

When: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday

Where: City Council Chambers, 613 E. Broadway

Contact: (818) 548-2090
