
We’ll get used to no plastic bags

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When California legislated motorists/passengers must wear seat belts, I wasn’t a big fan at first, and it took some getting used to, but it eventually became an automatic habit. The ban on plastic bags, like the seat belt law, may be a little inconvenient at first, but it’s also well worth the effort (“Education Matters: Antonovich’s arguments are short-sighted,” Nov. 26).

Plastic bags are supposed to be recycled, but many people don’t bother to do that. The bags that are not recycled don’t always make it into our trash barrels either. Those runaway bags become litter, an eyesore for our neighborhoods and an unnecessary cleanup cost for our cities, wasting money that could be directed to other needs.

And the plastic bag litter that remains uncollected becomes a menace to wildlife and our environment.

I keep reusable bags in the car, but don’t always remember to bring them into the store with me; I’m working on that.

Some stores, such as Trader Joe’s and Target, offer incentives to their customers who remember their reusable bags. Trader Joe’s has a raffle drawing each week for customers who bring in reusable bags; and Target offers 5 cents for each reusable bag you provide when you check out.

Karen Keehne Zimmerman

La Crescenta
