
When will local drivers learn?

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An 83-year-old man, a baby in a stroller, a middle school student — what do these pedestrians have in common? They were all hit by inattentive motorists in Glendale this past week, reminding us of just how pervasive the long raging vehicle vs. pedestrian problem continues to be.

Since setting up smashed-up cars at strategic spots in Glendale, police have reported a noticeable slowing of traffic in areas that typically play host to speeding and other violations. Perhaps they should consider deploying mannequins at various intersections, tap the makeup and set design talent of local studios, and create some grisly scenarios.

Fortunately, the man, the baby and the students all escaped serious injury after being struck, but as we’ve seen all too often in Glendale over the years, those scenarios can just as quickly turn deadly.

Let’s not wait for another Meri Nalbandyan, the 11-year-old student who was struck and killed in 2008 outside Toll Middle School. The massive response from city and school officials that resulted from the collision was a step in the right direction. But despite repeated headlines in this newspaper and cautionary messages from officials, the message isn’t getting through.

We don’t profess to be experts in public safety campaigns, but then, you don’t have to be one to know the current strategy isn’t working.
