
Mailbag: How does public benefit from proposal

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Many readers have written to comment on the latest proposal by Rick Caruso to take over more of Glendale, including the adjacent hotel (“Forcing hotel out would be a mistake,” Dec. 27). The Glendale Redevelopment Agency has gone so far as to give the hotel owner 45 days before the possible consideration of eminent domain proceedings.

We all understand that eminent domain is an extreme measure where private property is taken for public benefit. My question is: Whose benefit is the Redevelopment Agency considering? Obviously Caruso will benefit personally, or he would not be requesting action by the agency. But how does the public benefit?

If I were part of the Redevelopment Agency, I would feel duty bound to determine the following:

1) What parking is going to be available for the general public? Despite what Caruso says, one truth remains — shoppers park at the Glendale Galleria for free and walk to the Americana, where parking either costs or is limited in validation.

2) What parking is currently available for employees at the Americana?

3) What parking will be available for the proposed retail space?

4) What are the anticipated additional monetary benefits to the city?

5) Will it include a hotel as is currently on the property, and if so, will it be reasonably priced?

These are issues that need to be addressed by the agency. Unlike other high end properties Caruso might have developed, the residents of Glendale prefer free parking at their malls — just like the parking at the Galleria, nearby Burbank, etc.

If the Redevelopment Agency and Caruso are going to represent our best interests, then they need to determine what those are.

Gail Richardson

La Crescenta


‘Happy Holidays’ covers all the bases

Really? There’s actually some controversy over the use of “happy holidays”? Good grief!

How petty of anyone to make a fuss over these two perfectly benign, little words. Is this a response befitting the spirit of the season? And don’t we all have more than enough truly critical issues with which to concern ourselves? Shame on anyone who creates such nonsensical controversies and conspiracy theories.

To me, “happy holidays” is simply a friendly expression of goodwill, covering all religions and secular celebrations of the season, plus good wishes for the coming year. In my opinion, any well-meant expression of warm wishes, regardless of the exact words used, should be welcomed with gratitude, an open heart and cheerful response in kind.

And, to everyone, I say, “Lighten up; peace be with you; and — of course — Happy Holidays!”

Claire Starrett

