
Ideas for next year’s Glendale float

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While watching the Rose Parade, I was surprised to see the stark contrast between the floats from Glendale and Burbank (“Burbank float reigns at parade, Jan. 3).

Burbank’s was festooned with local flavor that depicted the uniqueness of the city — from TV and movie production, to Bob’s Big Boy and the hot rod culture. I was a bit disappointed that it didn’t include an unemployment line — as I’m sure there would’ve been a substantial pool of stand-ins more than willing to participate — but I digress.

Glendale’s, on the other hand, was a bit confusing. While the volunteers should be praised for their hard work and selflessness, the concept of “Say Cheese” left me tilting my head at the TV like the RCA dog. While taking pictures of one another is certainly an interesting endeavor, I just couldn’t figure out what it had to do with Glendale — or anything else for that matter.

So, a couple of ideas to knock around before next Jan. 1st. I’m thinking a high-speed turntable featuring two late-model German cars with paper dealer license plates blowing through stop signs —sending hapless pedestrians scattering. I’m sure some local dealers would be more than happy to supply the tags.

Nothing screams “Glendale” like automotive mayhem and it would be a guaranteed attention grabber. But given the modest budget reflected in the “Cheese” float, perhaps this might be a bit ambitious. In which case something simple and seasonal might still get the hometown theme across — like Rick Caruso in a manger.

Just a thought.

Gary Durrett


No one should be surprised at ADI scandal

The latest scandal to hit Glendale has, once again, “money” written all over it (“Builder got millions from Glendale despite concerns about project,” Dec. 29).

One would have to be brain dead not to know that a company that suckles at the breast of public monies for their livelihood expects a “want/vote” after “donations” to City Council candidates who loudly proclaim they want to represent the public.

The public is asking why, in the face of the strong language used by Mike Fortney against the monies proposed for Advanced Development & Investment Inc. that the City Council turned a blind eye to the latest shakedown. Money buys votes.

Mayor Ara Najarian may be “shocked,” but it is not from the corruption down at City Hall. His “shock” comes as the usual “spin” of any politician when they are caught in their failure to put the public good ahead of their own self interest.

Former Councilman Bob Yousefian may be “kind of taken aback” by this fraud, but the public does not really think so. What needs to take place is an investigation into why all the red flags of corruption and fraud were totally ignored time and time again.

The city of Bell is not the only city with officials grabbing with both hands at the expense of the public. Why are city officials raising the issue of a lawsuit (“City pursuing lawsuit against ADI,” Dec. 30)? The City Council was told point blank not to continue down the path of poor performance on many levels with ADI. Yet, responding to who pays for their council campaigns, the alarm by a highly respected staff member appears to have been ignored .

The City Council voted to grant contracts to ADI over bald face information that dictated the opposite. There was no misrepresentation by ADI, which was only getting what they had paid for when they donated so heavily to City Council members — who then gave the good ole rubber stamp of approval after receiving both written and oral recommendations to the opposite.

Frankly, I fear that the real hero, Mike Fortney, will eventually be characterized as a troublemaker who does not know how to be a “team player.”

The City Council knows how to be a team, and they do not need a “staffer” who did not receive any monies from ADI to tell them how to vote their payback gratitude.

Carole Weling

