
City should disclose more in ADI case


In light of the recent controversy surrounding Advanced Development & Investment Inc. and the city of Glendale regarding the alleged fraud in the construction of low-income housing, I was pleased to see the Housing Authority using their subpoena power for ADI’s records (“Subpoenas to narrow in on ADI records,” Jan. 5).

One of the issues raised in this matter relates to the approval of the project and the awarding of the contract by the council, and the staff report raising concerns about the project at the level being requested.

According to an earlier L.A. Times article, Mike Fortney, the city’s housing manager, in a memo to his boss, wrote the following: “I strongly recommend … not funding this project at anywhere near the level currently being requested.”

The article went on to say that the City Council members awarded the money anyway.

It was reported that City Council members, when questioned, denied that they had ever seen the memos or had been told of the staff’s recommendation.

The article went on to say that City Manager Jim Starbird said the City Council had been briefed.

This is a matter that can be easily resolved if the city will release the minutes of all open and closed sessions regarding the awarding of the ADI contract.

In previous instances when the city has been asked to disclose information to the public, they seem to have adopted a position of “don’t ask, and we won’t tell.”

However, since the public lacks the subpoena power of the Housing Authority, I ask in the name of full disclosure that any and all information regarding the awarding of the ADI contract be made public.

Simply, I ask in the hope that the city will tell.

David A Fortune

