
Schiff discusses partisan issues post-Tucson

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Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) is scheduled to appear Thursday in a pre-taped episode of “The Larry Zarian Show” to discuss the political environment in Washington D.C. since the Tucson shooting, in which his colleague, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords suffered a gunshot to the head.

Schiff is back in Washington as Congress takes up debate on the health-care overhaul bill, a contentious election issue that Republicans vowed to address in the House. Any effort to overturn the bill is expected to fail in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

But in a post-Tucson political arena, Schiff will discuss the current political discourse and plans on reaching across the aisle to tone down the heated rhetoric — most notably by sitting with Republican counterparts for the State of Union address.

The show airs at 7 p.m. on Charter Cable Channel 380.
