
Bike lanes don’t make cyclists safe

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Making Glendale bike-friendly is a great idea (“Bike-friendly road plan progressing,” Jan. 28). The only problem is that creating bicycle lanes on city streets does not make bicycling safe.

Glenoaks has had bike lanes for years, but I would be afraid to use those lanes for the fear of being run down by a driver who is texting. As often as I have driven along Glenoaks, I have very rarely seen bicyclists in those designated lanes.

The only safe bike lane would be one that is totally separated from automobiles.

Jack Adelman


Billboard defaces local hillside

Thank you, William Slaughter (“Not a big fan of a sign of the times,” Jan. 27)!

It is far more than offensive, it is despicable. I would be very interested to know how this company/person received a license/permit for a billboard that defaces the hillside.

Karen Marvin

La Crescenta

People should stop being so negative

Regarding the letter of Catherine Yesayan (“Contentious atmosphere is hard to comprehend,” Jan. 28), my eyes popped out to read her strong words about the divide among all people: Catholics and Protestants, and now about Republicans and Democrats. She also mentioned Fox News Channel’s “mean-spirited rhetoric.”

I’m glad that we are here in this country to be able to express our views, and that we have a chance for the media to critique what’s happening in this country, and globally too.

If we fold our hands and just say “amen” — bad, bad, bad; a silence of the grave. Heck, say “yes, yes, yes, you’re right!”

Romeo P. Borje

