
Billboard defaces local hillside

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Thank you, William Slaughter (“Not a big fan of a sign of the times,” Jan. 27)!

It is far more than offensive, it is despicable. I would be very interested to know how this company/person received a license/permit for a billboard that defaces the hillside.

Karen Marvin???

La Crescenta???

Police chief moving in the right direction

In reference to the Jan. 31 story “Police officers placed on leave,” Police Chief Ron De Pompa should be commended for his no-nonsense, tough approach to this serious issue.

Indeed, for years the status quo has been to keep the code of silence about Glendale police officers allegedly violating policy and the civil rights of certain residents.

This is the first time that a Glendale police chief has admitted that the department has bad apples. Hopefully, this is the first step toward the establishment of a police commission, which I know is a tough sell, but a televised police commission is better than closed-door disciplinary meetings.

We need more transparency in this city concerning the alleged unethical, racist and biased actions of city employees. I have lived in this city for almost all my life and have seen and experienced racism and dumb policing.

I find the chief’s apolitical and courageous approach to this issue refreshing and a sign of hope for a better and well respected Glendale Police Department in the future. The department has hit the bottom with the recent officer and civil rights lawsuits. It’s time to make the right decisions in order to rescue this department from further damage.

The public’s safety, civil rights and tax-based funding of the Police Department should be protected from any further legal liability resulting from unethical conduct of our police officers and personnel.

Thank you, De Pompa, for your honest and brave approach toward this serious issue.

Patrick Masihi

