
Teachers are acting in students’ best interest

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The Jan. 29 editorial “Union is on the wrong side again” stated: “That the teachers union would withhold its support for Measure S because the district won’t commit roughly $19 rolling back unpaid work furlough days and other short sighted and selfish.”

The “other concessions” are only one and not a “concession” — return class sizes as much as possible back to 2009-10 numbers. Most realize that our kindergarten through third-grade class sizes went from 20: 1 student-teacher ratio to 24:1 this year. What many don’t know is that each of our secondary sites lost one teaching full-time equivalent, which increased class sizes by one to three students at each site.

And the class size increase was not a “concession” made by the teachers. We never negotiated the increase and, in fact, were chastised mightily last year by similar ad hominem attacks for our attempts to stop the increases.

Furlough days were a concession that would put more on the plates of students and teachers to cover all the state standards in less time. Depending if one uses the Glendale Teachers Assn. analysis of cost or the analysis of the district, to “buy back” those seven days over the next two years would still leave millions to spend on reducing class sizes.

The superintendent has said the buy back and reduction of class size is the district’s priority should the bond pass. We only asked that the district make good on their promise by putting their promise in writing. They refused, but are not maligned for not putting their money where their mouth is, instead, teachers are.

If it is selfish for teachers to want what research shows over and over as the most effective way to ensure student success — more one-on-one time with their teacher — then it is a good thing teachers are selfish. Someone has to look out for the best interests of the students and we will continue to do so, no matter how much we are criticized and called names.

Tami Carlson

La Crescenta

Editor’s note: Carlson is president of the Glendale Teachers Assn.

Tax rates will not increase with Measure S

As a volunteer at Hoover High School, I see the need, first hand, that if we are going to fulfill our responsibility as citizens, we have a major responsibility to educate and enable our students to be competitive in the world.

A “yes” vote on Measure S is critical in making that happen. Contrary to what some say, tax rates will not increase beyond what we paid in 2009 and 2010. And no funds go to pay administrators salaries. All funds stay in our local schools.

This is a win-win situation for everybody — our students and ourselves. I urge a “yes” vote on Measure S on April 5.

Don Galleher

