
Crime rises slightly in Crescenta Valley

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CRESCENTA VALLEY — The number of crime-related responses fielded at Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station increased 9% in January, although the station has seen an 8% decrease in crimes over a five-year period, according to recently released figures.

Violent and property crimes reported in the Crescenta Valley increased from 14 last year to 22 last month compared with the same period last year, a 57% increase, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Those crimes, however, have decreased by roughly 33% during a five-year span.

The Crescenta Valley experienced a slight increase in burglaries in January, although it remained relatively safe compared with other areas in the county, according to recent figures.

While the unincorporated community of Crescenta Valley and La Cañada Flintridge saw the number of burglaries jump this year by 60% and 66%, respectively, from the same period last year, the combined figure remained eight break-ins, according to the Sheriff’s Department.

“As homeowners and residents, there is a certain amount of responsibility that we must be willing to bear,” said Crescenta Valley Town Council Todd Thornbury. “Keeping valuables out of sight, keeping doors and windows locked, and going to the Pasadena or Glendale Humane Society and getting a dog that will guard your home are all things we can do to help minimize this.”

Burglaries in the Crescenta Valley slightly jumped from three to five compared with January 2010, according to the department’s statistics. La Cañada went from five to eight.

“Watch out on behalf of your neighbors, and be aware of your neighborhood,” Thornbury said. “As simple as this seems, people often get complacent.”

Still, Councilman Steve Goldsworthy said the slight increase isn’t “any cause for alarm bells to ring.”

Four burglaries, he said, occurred in December in the Crescenta Valley.

Sheriff’s Department Capt. Dave Silversparre, who oversees the Crescenta Valley station, could not be reached for comment.

“Let’s face it, we live in a nice area, and we have nice things. That makes our community a target for property crime,” Goldsworthy said.

The number of grand thefts also increased in unincorporated Crescenta Valley from one to three in January compared with the same time last year.

“The single best solution in any crime-fighting team is the average citizen,” Goldsworthy said. “Having residents keeping their eyes and ears open, and not being afraid to call the station and report something unusual is the real key. Most arrests were started when a resident saw or heard something and made that call.”
