
Vartan Gharpetian

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Age: 49

Occupation: small business owner, real estate broker, Glendale Commercial Inc.

Why are you running for the board?

I decided to run for a seat on the Board of Trustees, because I am well aware of and concerned about the current difficulties and challenges that Glendale Community College is facing. Two of the most important issues are the accreditation and budget.

Accreditation — A warning has been put on Glendale Community College by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior College team since last spring. This is a very serious issue which needs immediate attention.

Budget — The college is facing many problems due to the state budget crisis. The cutback in funding has resulted in cutting back on the number of classes offered to students at a time when more individuals are returning to college because of being laid off from their jobs and needing new work skills. In addition, more high school seniors tend to attend community colleges due to the increase in tuition of UC and Cal State systems. Furthermore, Glendale Community College has had a hiring freeze for the last three years. As a successful businessman/entrepreneur for more than 25 years, I will share my experience and knowledge in negotiating and achieving a well balanced budget.

What could Glendale Community College be doing better?

Resolve the accreditation issue in a timely manner, and find ways to prevent future incidents. Due to the increase in demand for career educational programs, the college should conduct a regional marketing survey and offer more such courses in their curriculum. Increase the public outreach efforts in order to improve community involvement with the college.

How will you serve as an advocate for community colleges at a time when funding is being slashed?

As a Delegate of State of California Democratic Party Central Committee, I will be a strong advocate for community colleges with the state Legislature for increased funding.

If not elected, how will you continue to be involved with the college?

I have been an active member of the community for the last 10 years in several nonprofit and philanthropic foundations and organizations and I will continue to do so regardless. If not elected, I would be honored to have the opportunity to be part of the Glendale Community College Foundation.
