
John Drayman

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Age: 52

Occupation: Glendale City Councilman

Political Experience: current Glendale city councilman, former mayor of Glendale, former chairman of the Glendale Redevelopment Agency; current vice chairman of the Glendale Redevelopment Agency; current member of the Glendale Housing Authority; former member of the Arroyo-Verdugo Subregion Steering Committee to SCAG; former delegate for state Sen. Carol Liu; former president of the Montrose Shopping Park Business Improvement District; current City Council liaison to Glendale Unified School District; former vice president of development for the Alex Regional Theatre; former board member and treasurer of the Glendale Regional Arts Council; current member of the Glendale Humane Society.

Endorsements: Assemblyman Mike Gatto, Rep. Adam Schiff

Why are you running for Glendale City Council?

In the last four years, Glendale has enjoyed the stabilization of its residential neighborhoods, increased economic development and the promotion of its local history. I have had a direct hand in innovating this path forward and want to see the process through.

What sets you apart from other candidates?

I believe in making local government work for Glendale residents. I have always had a talent for solving tough problems, such as reforming our design review process, reforming our appointment process for board and commission members, saving Chevy Chase Branch Library and sponsoring an ordinance to limit cell towers in our residential neighborhoods.

Glendale is expected to face a General Fund budget deficit upward of $10 million next fiscal year. If elected, what specifically would you do to close the gap?

I will continue to hold the line on city employee contracts, salary increases, lowering the city’s contribution to employee retirement and adding lower salary tiers for new hires. In addition, the Hyatt Hotel, Broadway Lofts, Cinema Lofts, Laemmle Theatre and Disney Campus projects, as well as the addition of the Museum of Neon Art, the Art & Entertainment District and the Creative Corridor are all investments in making Glendale a destination for those spending money in our city.

Beyond budget woes, what other major issues are Glendale facing?

Infrastructure maintenance, such as roads, water lines and our GWP utility costs are all concerns that the next council will face. The message for the next year is “doing more with less.”

What would be your No. 1 priority if elected?

My No. 1 priority will be to continue to innovate a positive path forward for Glendale’s quality of life while preserving neighborhood stability and increasing economic development in our downtown. OK, that’s a “three-fer.”

Do you think Glendale should have an ethics ordinance, and why?

Yes. An ethics ordinance can only serve to assist our elected officials and reassure the public. Specifically, I like the Glendale News-Press suggestion that a database of vendors working on city subsidized projects be created so that elected officials and the public alike can know ahead of time who is working on various development projects. Currently, this does not exist.
