
An entitlement mindset is at root of state’s problems

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After reading Gerry Rankin’s “Anti Prop 13” letter (“Past Brown-era tax law is not sacrosanct,” Feb. 11) in Sunday’s forum, I feel I must respond to set the record straight.

People who own or inherit Proposition 13 houses under Proposition 13 are not the cause for California’s fiscal fiasco. The blame lies squarely on the shoulders of liberal politicians, mainly Democrats, who want an army of system-dependent entitlement seekers who will keep them in office for life.

My parents, who were of the World War II generation, didn’t expect the government to cater to their every whim. We have too many people in California, both citizens and non-citizens, who now have an entitlement mindset. This is why this state will never recover as long as this group seems to be in the majority.

I would suggest to Mr. Rankin and his ilk that if he feels guilty for owning a Proposition 13 home, he can will it to the state since they would most surely know how to spend his money more wisely than he could.

Phillip Pilgram


Glendale’s women achievers

“Improving the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world.”

Easy to say, but not quite as easy to do. This is the mission that every Soroptimist pledges to support — and when we succeed, we also make a difference in the lives of our members, and we are living our Soroptimist mission.

Glendale is blessed with several well-known women achievers and positive role models. There are also not-so-well-known women who have had to overcome obstacles, who do good for others, and who are positive role models.

This is where Soroptimist steps in and recognizes the unique accomplishments of these women. Three deserving women will be honored March 17 at the 12th Annual Accolades Luncheon, sponsored by Soroptimist International of Glendale, at the Glendale Hilton Hotel.

One woman who has shown tremendous courage will be honored with the Women’s Opportunity Award; one young woman who is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others through service will be honored with the Violet Richardson Award; and one woman who, through her personal and professional activities, has improved the lives of many women and girls in our community, will be honored with the Ruby Award.

Through challenges, obstacles, dark days and happier times, these women know the road to happiness and triumph is by focusing on what they can do, and not on what they cannot do.

Edward Everett Hale said, “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do”.

Liz Mirzaian


Editor’s note: Mirzaian is president of Soroptimist International of Glendale
