
Let students ditch their cars

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I see in the paper that the students at various universities are again protesting the raise in tuition.

Many years ago when I lived in a dormitory at my college, there was one car parked in front and that’s only because the owner’s father was an automobile dealer.

Several days ago, I went to my campus book store to buy something. I circled the campus looking for a place to park. The many parking lots had signs saying “For Students Only!” I finally parked off-campus and walked to my destination.

As I observed the many lots, I saw sports cars, Cadillacs, BMWs, Lexus’s, Porsches, and even one Ferrari. And yet students are complaining because they have to pay for learning — which they are there for.

Perhaps our young people would have fewer obese bodies and be healthier if they would get back on their feet and use public transportation as did we.

Francis Adams


Get rid of street sweepers

I am writing this to address a concern that I have in regards to the costs of doing business in Glendale and the ongoing budget deficit.

I was wondering just what, if anything, can be done to eliminate street sweepers from being utilized in Glendale, especially when our budget is so bad. These services are not necessary at this time. They do little to clean the street and much to eat up cost, which the city cannot afford.

Has this been addressed in any of the budget meetings that are supposedly looking at ways to eliminate this very unnecessary expenditure? I do not want anyone to lose their job, but this service is not necessary.

Phillip Settle

