
Support for Bob Frutos

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The community section of the paper has been hit or miss lately. There is no real pattern to when letters are printed or not.

The Sunday issue seems to carry letters, but they often focus on national issues, not local. Most times the picture or cartoon is bigger than the letters section.

So it was a surprise when two weeks in a row, letters of support, one from the Burbank City Council candidate herself, appeared in the letters section (“Primary voters benefitted from the Leader’s coverage,” March 12).

The one praises your coverage of the election, but there was no campaign contribution disclosures published, no community-input stories and no follow-up on candidate endorsements.

So to make sure the other candidate receives equal time, I thought I should write on behalf of the supporters of Bob Frutos.

I have admired Frutos from the first time I saw him in action at a Police Commission meeting. The second time I met him was at a local car show.

Frutos will bring a breath of fresh air to our city with openness and strong community involvement. We need someone with his background, integrity and diversity now more than ever to guide our city through the rough police department issues ahead.

Frutos has promised to be transparent and fiscally responsible, and to take the common-sense approach to issues like the budget, traffic and overdevelopment — things we each face every day.

I’m asking my friends, neighbors and car lovers to vote for Frutos.

Kevin Muldoon


Fair and Honest Government

Bob Frutos is a candidate you can rely on, being for the people, and if at all possible, will respect the needs and wants of the citizens of Burbank.

On a recent visit to my home, we sat and discussed several of the issues, including employee merit pay increases and the sidewalks on Screenland Drive.

I found Frutos to be very articulate and well-versed in the things affecting the city of Burbank. If you want more years of sandbox politics, as this current City Council gives us, then vote for Emily Gabel-Luddy. But if you want true changes, before the name of Burbank is changed to “Golonskiville,” please, I urge you, vote the person who is for the people by the people, so help us God, into office.

A vote for Frutos is a vote for fair and honest government.

Steve Urbanovich

