
Neon, Schmeon!

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I fail to understand the City Council’s support for the proposed Museum of Neon Art (“Council set to ink museum deal,” March 26), while at the same time letting A Noise Within, an established cultural entity with a large and committed following, leave the city.

Councilman Dave Weaver’s instincts are correct. No way will this be financially viable.

Some years ago, the city missed the opportunity to relocate the Colony Theater, another entity with a loyal following, to Glendale. These two theaters would certainly have contributed to arts and entertainment in Glendale.

And I’m sure the Glendale Police Department is looking forward to the “night clubs” proposed at the Mann Theaters site, which will doubtless result in an increase in their business — but unfortunately, not quite what the City Council has in mind.

Marie Fish


Let streets stay unswept

The March 25 letter, “Get rid of street sweepers,” by Phillip Settle, proposing elimination of street sweepers to cut budget shortfall, is in place.

Besides the operating costs, street sweepers cause more detriments. Just a few: grinding noise, dust, exhaust pollution and the slowing of traffic, especially on the narrow, hillside streets.

The only effect the sweepers produce is the repositioning of dirt on the streets.

Mr. Mayor, get rid of the sweepers. Please.

Yul B. Draskovic



Editor’s note: Today marks the beginning of the weeklong publication hold on Forum-page submissions that advocate for, or take a stand on, election candidates and measures. More general election-related letters will still be considered.
