
Variety show raises funds for playground

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College View Foundation’s second phase of fundraising for the new playground is moving along. The Leo Club at Flintridge Prep is donating all proceeds from its annual Mr. Flintridge Prep Contest, a variety show spoofing beauty pageants.

“Our goal is $66,000 for phase two, which includes a SwayFun glider that accommodates several people and wheelchairs at one time,” said PTA President Amy Keating Rogers.

At Verdugo Woodlands Elementary, it’s time for the Survivor Challenge, which is being organized by Shalini Singh and Sue Jekarl, co-chairwomen. It will be no joke on April 1 when every child attending the school participates by running, jumping and laughing their way through a fun obstacle course. All money raised goes back to the school for key positions such as librarian, CARE counselor, and computer lab assistant.


PTSA President Sydney Swainston is grateful to all who gave generously to the Spring Food Drive.

Round Up II, a spring carnival, will be at 5:30 p.m. April 14 hosted by the ASB, clubs, and sports teams. There’s an Open House on the Quad at 6:30 p.m. April 21. Parents, students and future students are invited.


Wilson’s PTSA is supporting Glendale Council PTA’s Family Food drive benefiting families in the Glendale Unified School District. Students may bring non-perishables through Friday. Sixth- and seventh-graders are urged to bring dried food items such as flour, sugar, rice and beans; while eighth-graders should bring canned items. PTSA President Hilda Hovsepian encourages Wilson families to donate as much as they can.


Thursday is Risse Round-up, when parents can have coffee with Principal Suzanne Risse from 8:30 to 9 a.m. Families can join up with a “Walking School Bus” to start the day off right on Friday and decrease traffic around the school.

Spring Break beckons from April 4 to 8. The R.D. White Foundation meets at 7 p.m. April 12 in the school library. A PTA board meeting takes place at 6 p.m. April 14. Bring sneakers and worn tennis and running shoes to the school April 18 to 22, where the foundation is collecting them for charity.


Taking root from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 16 is the third annual Verdugo Woodlands Campus Beautification Day organized by Karin O’Bryan and Jill Shively. Bring gardening tools and brooms to help plant flowers and vegetables. All students must be accompanied by parents.

Also, the Father-Daughter Dance is from 6 to 9 p.m. April 16 at the Dads’ Club.

The fourth annual Nike Reuse-a-Shoe Drive starts April 18 and runs for the week. Start saving old tennis shoes and drop them off in the school lobby, where the Green Team will collect them. They will be recycled to make athletic surfaces for schools and playgrounds around the country.


College View’s PTA presented Honorary Service Awards to Paula Nakaya, Amy Keating Rogers and Alan Schack for their volunteer efforts at the school. A Very Special Person Award was given to Roee Paled and Karen Young for fundraising.

Edna Karinski covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. E-mail
