
Grant funding and cell phone busts

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There have been several articles in the last few weeks reporting ticketing for illegal cell phone use and texting while driving. I applaud these enforcement efforts and hope they will continue.

I am certain I’m not the only driver who is dismayed at the number of such violations, which can be noted on even the shortest trips around town. Several reputable studies have been conducted that conclude that people cannot drive safely while engaged in activities of this type.

I’m sure I’m not alone in noticing that people talking on cell phones or texting often drive erratically and are not alert at intersections. These activities lead to accidents and even deaths.

What bothers me regarding the law enforcement efforts cracking down on these infractions, however, is reference to grants used to fund the enforcement. I understand the practicality of using available grant money so it does not lapse, but I am dismayed, given the seeming fact that little enforcement of these laws has occurred outside of the use of grant money.

Doesn’t having a law on the books, which so clearly pertains to citizen safety, mean that the law should be enforced at all times? On the fiscal side, wouldn’t the revenue from tickets be more than enough to offset the cost of any enforcement efforts if cost is the concern?

Perhaps the newspaper articles have been remiss in not reporting the full picture concerning how many tickets have been issued outside of a grant process. As it is, it seems the enforcement is largely contingent on grant funding and I suspect such grant funding will not be forthcoming in the future, given budget issues at state and federal levels.

Steve Hearn


Low voter turnout is shameful

A 22%-turnout for Glendale’s municipal election is shameful.

This lack of participation in the affairs of Glendale government translates into an abdication of personal responsibility. One of the fundamental principles of being an American is having the right to participate in the affairs of government. Our system of government depends upon an informed electorate participating in the process of governance.

The torch of liberty has been passed from generation to generation, and now it is our responsibility to uphold the principles of freedom and to remember that Thomas Jefferson once reminded us that “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”

One need look no further than the recent events in the city of Bell to be reminded of what happens when citizens fail in their responsibility to participate in the affairs of their government. One need look no further than events that are unfolding internationally to be reminded of the value others place on liberty and the ability to participate in the affairs of government.

One need look no further than our own history to appreciate the value of having a voice in government.

The results of the Glendale municipal election translate into roughly 10% of the population deciding who will govern the city through our representative democracy. It should be noted that this same small group determined that funding would be provided for schools.

Regardless of our individual preferences for candidates and our views on public expenditures, this is truly a pathetic response to Jeffersonian principles.

Robert B. Taylor

