
Union didn’t spend to oppose Measure S

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In the April 8th Glendale News-Press article, “Measure S supporters celebrate, look to future,” the article incorrectly states that “the union spent more than $40,000 criticizing the bond and championing school board candidates.”

The Glendale Teachers Assn. did not spend one cent in an effort to defeat the bond measure. All the political action committee money went exclusively toward efforts in electing our recommended candidates for school board.

I was not available for comment after the election as I was in Mexico during spring break. Thank you for setting the record straight regarding the use of Glendale Teachers Assn. funds — not one penny was spent in an effort to defeat Measure S.

Tami Carlson


Editor’s note: Carlson is the president of the Glendale Teachers Assn.

Voter turnout is nothing to cheer about

Regarding the April 9 editorial, “A smaller post-election hangover,” it is good to be positive. However, editorializing that a 22% turnout for our recent Glendale municipal election is “impressive” goes too far, in my opinion.

Even if a few thousand provisional and mail-in ballots raise that a percentage point or so, for only about one-quarter of those registered (which many eligible voters don’t bother to do) to actually show up to vote is pathetic.

Worse, at the poll where I was an election clerk, fewer than a handful of young people voted, which to me presents a bleak prospect for future citizen involvement in the political process.

Roberta Medford

