
District lines up to make history


CITY HALL — One of three proposed historic districts in the works received preliminary approval this week from the Historic Preservation Commission, sending the 58-property zone to the next stage of evaluation.

Residents in the proposed Brockmont Park Historic District obtained a sufficient number of signatures — 23 from nominated property owners — to go forward with a historic resource survey, Historic Preservation Planner Jay Platt told commissioners Monday.

A consultant, who meets national historic building standards, volunteered to prepare the survey, which evaluates the neighborhood for its historical context.

“This will save the city a good amount of money,” Platt said. “This is very exciting to have the potential for a high-quality survey at limited cost for the city, so we are very grateful for that.”

The proposed district, which includes 58 homes, is nestled in Northwest Glendale and on a segment of a 140-acre property owned by John C. Brockman.

When he died in 1925, his property was subdivided into an area called Brockmont Park.

A private park, a historic four-story clock tower and Period Revival and Ranch-style homes make up the neighborhood.

Two other distinctive North Glendale neighborhoods — Rossmoyne and North Cumberland Heights — are also trying to become historic districts and are working their way through the review process.

The neighborhoods of Royal Boulevard, Cottage Grove and Ard Eevin Highlands have already achieved historic district status.

Brockmont Park resident Rebbeca Maxwell applied to designate the neighborhood as historic.

The process, she said, has generated a great amount of interest from residents in the neighborhood.

“We are going to push forward now and I am sure we will have no problems,” she said.
