
Spend your money in Montrose

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I enjoyed the “Taste of Montrose” event because it puts the focus on the amazing community that Montrose is.

Those of us who live in the area surely realize what an exceptional community we have here. Maybe some folks still head to other locations in the belief that they will find bargains, but I suggest that it makes more sense to shop in Montrose.

Because of the increasing price of gasoline, we are more conscious of the actual cost of driving here and there. I want to point out that our community affords us almost every professional business we could want.

As examples, we have numerous salons and nail shops. We have the Montrose Village Newsstand, the Flowering Tree and amazing bookstores. There are wonderful restaurants offering almost every cuisine; I love Oceanview Bistro for lovely lunches and romantic dinners.

Take a good look at the businesses at the Boardwalk, 2032 Thompson Court. This lovely courtyard arrangement offers hair and nail salons, a skin care center and even a chiropractor who helped me recover from a shoulder injury.

I want to compliment the owners of the Boardwalk for their recent improvements in the atmosphere. One can step from the convenient parking lot into a peaceful retreat; a lovely scene complete with plantings, park benches for relaxation, awnings and numerous touches that create a quaint oasis. I always go back to my car feeling as if I had just had a mini vacation.

Don’t rush to the freeway to go shopping in some other area. Save time and money by staying in Montrose. You will feel more relaxed. You will save gas. You will help strengthen the community that Montrose is.

You will also meet hardworking people deserving of your patronage in these tough economic times.

Margaret Rice


Residents should help the homeless

I appreciate the help given to homeless military veterans (“Officials hope to help Glendale’s homeless veterans,” May 7) because they deserve all the help for their valuable work and sacrifice to protect our country.

Residents should voluntarily participate in helping the homeless by providing food, money and clothing for them. Residents could also help the homeless by giving them their recyclable products to have some cash available and help the environment, too.

However, helping homeless veterans should not affect efforts to provide rental help for city residents.

Noor Fadhil

