
Cyclist accused of DUI after crash

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GLENDALE — A 47-year-old cyclist was arrested Saturday after he allegedly crashed his bicycle into a car stopped at a red light, police said.

Robert Rubio of Glendale had a .22 and .23 blood-alcohol level — nearly three times the legal limit of .08 — during field sobriety tests, according to Glendale police reports.

Rubio was riding north on Brand Boulevard at Maple Street about 4:04 p.m. when he tried to pass a car idling at a red light, Sgt. Dennis Smith said.

Rubio slammed into the back of the car, which sustained a small scratch, Smith said.

“If you crash into a fixed object, you don’t have a lot of protection on a bicycle,” he said.

Rubio reportedly told police that the motorist attempted to cut him off, which witnesses refuted, Smith said

Paramedics treated Rubio, who was not wearing a helmet, for small abrasions at the scene, Smith added.

While investigating the crash and performing sobriety tests on Rubio, the officer arrested him on suspicion of riding a bicycle under the influence of drugs or alcohol, police said.

While riding under the influence of alcohol may be safer than drunk driving, the act is still risky, said Colin Bogart, a liaison with the nonprofit Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition who has been working with city officials on improving streets for cyclists and pedestrians.

“You are better off walking,” he said.
