
Activities flood students’ calendars

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Though the school year is drawing to a close, activities remain plentiful. Glendale High’s outgoing PTSA President Sydney Swainston reports that her group has the Senior Awards and Baccalaureate coming up while students tackle tests and year-end projects, balanced out by dances, field trips, promotion events and graduation.

“Schedules get crazy,” says Swainston, “but I encourage taking time to have dinner as a family or find quiet time to talk and relax. It’s important that our kids know that we love and support them, especially when they can get stressed over tests and grades.”

Glendale High School

“One More Time” ushers in senior prom from 7 p.m. to midnight Saturday at the Aquarium of the Pacific. Senior Awards Night is at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the auditorium. Baccalaureate recognizes graduating seniors on June 12 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Everyone is invited to a GHS PTSA meeting focusing on the arts beginning at 6 p.m. June 13 in the cafeteria. The program includes Jeffrey Richardson, curator of pop culture with The Autry National Center, Glendale High Reflections art contest winners, Glendale High Drill Team, VIP Award Presentation and refreshments. For more information, contact Jo Wilson at (818) 414-7956.

Wilson Middle School

Outgoing PTSA President Hilda Hovsepian reports that Wilson is buzzing with activity. An eighth-grade Awards Ceremony is at 6 p.m. June 3 in the auditorium. Students in the Music Program go to Disneyland on Saturday. Not to be outdone, eighth-graders travel to Magic Mountain on June 14. The Promotion Ceremony for eighth-graders is at 9 a.m. June 16 with a Promotion Dance at 6 p.m.

RD White Elementary

Principal Suzanne Risse looks forward to a “Star-gazing and Family Picnic Extravaganza” from 6 to 7 p.m. Friday on the school’s front lawn. Bring your own picnic to enjoy, plus a dessert to share. Volunteers will be recognized. From 7 to 8 p.m. an astronomy assembly happens in the auditorium, followed by star-gazing from 8 to 10 p.m. on the playground with telescopes and astronomers. A final Walking School Bus rolls on Friday morning.

“Join your teachers and principal at one of four corners noted on the flier in the Thursday Folder,” said PTA President Laurel Whitcomb-Perlman, “Walk to school for your health and help improve air quality.” Flag Ceremony is June 13.


Let the Woodlanders Volunteer program (WAVE) erase the frustration of shopping for school supplies. Coordinators Laura Marhevka and Sharla Bohman have been looking all year long for the best deals, said publicity liaison Madelaine Motallebi. Order school supplies by Friday and save money, time, and gas. WAVE will purchase school supplies for your child’s grade for next year and deliver them to the classroom. See your Thursday Folder for details.

Sixth-grade Activities co-chairwomen Michele Ashamalla and Talin Gharibian are organizing a Sixth-grade Dance on Friday at the Dads Club, Camp Highland from Monday until June 10, Activity Day at Hanson Dam on June 13, Sixth-grade versus Faculty Softball on June 14, and the Sixth-grade Achievement Dinner on June 15 at the Embassy Suites Hotel.

Edna Karinski covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. Email
