
Couple accused of DUI with child in car

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GLENDALE — A 34-year-old Glendale man was charged Tuesday with driving with a 0.11% blood-alcohol level over Father’s Day weekend while his 4-year-old daughter was inside the vehicle, officials said.

The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office on Tuesday filed three criminal counts against Vincent Rodriguez, including for driving under the influence with a blood-alcohol level higher than the legal 0.08% limit and cruelty to his daughter because his actions could have been deadly, according to a county Superior Court complaint.

Rodriguez’s girlfriend, Lineo Lowe, was also arrested and booked Sunday on suspicion of drunk driving and child endangerment, according to Glendale police reports. She was released that same day after posting a $100,000 bond.

Lowe blew a 0.18% and 0.19% during an alcohol screening test, according to police reports.

Rodriguez has remained jailed in Glendale since Father’s Day.

The alleged incident occurred after the couple attended a party Saturday afternoon in Northridge, where they consumed a large amount of alcohol, according to police reports.

Lowe told police Rodriguez was heavily intoxicated, so she opted to drive the car home.

She made a detour to an Indian restaurant in the 3300 block of Verdugo Road, where she stopped to grab a bite to eat while Rodriguez slept in the car, according to police reports.

Rodriguez woke up and became angry because she had been eating without him, so he grabbed the car keys from her, Lowe told police.

Rodriguez then began driving off while Lowe was placing her daughter inside the car, according to police reports. That’s when she notified police.

Police arrested Rodriguez at the couple’s Glendale home.
