
A bark park funding clarification

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Regarding the June 15 story “Dog park back on track for 2012” by Bill Kisliuk, I would like to clarify that the dog park will be funded by County of Los Angeles 5th District Proposition A funds with a $645,000 grant awarded to the L.A. Conservation Corps.

The L.A. Conservation Corps will be performing construction of the dog park. Construction will begin in August of this year and will be completed in March 2012.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich has been supportive of the project from its inception and the county Department of Parks and Recreation has been working diligently with the community to move this project forward.

We are all excited to see the dog park become a valued addition to the Crescenta Valley community.

Russ Guiney

Los Angeles

Editor’s note: Guiney is director of the county Department of Parks and Recreation.

It’s time to build the extension

A Los Angeles Times article on June 19 reports the California Department of Transportation spent an average $100,000 per unit, up to $170,000 for some, on the repairs of 33 roofs on 500 properties purchased on the proposed connection route between the Foothill (210) and Long Beach (710) freeways.

Caltrans spent taxpayer money on these properties decades ago. First, the high acquisition costs, then the highly paid bureaucrats “administer” and maintain it.

So far, the results are zero. But who else pays for the shortfalls? The taxpayers. It is also noteworthy how a Caltrans tenant was offered a $20,000 settlement to essentially keep quiet. Please read the article. It will enrage you.

Any sensible business would have made a decision to either build the extension or dispose of the surplus properties.

As an engineer who, may I say, thinks logically, I voice my opinion: The extension of the 710 Freeway must be completed as per the originally proposed route. Almost half a century ago the conceived route was, and still is, the only sensible solution.

The 710 Freeway connects the harbors with inland. The extension of the 710 to the 210 Freeway will accomplish that the shortest way possible, with the resulting reduction of congestion, time and pollution.

All those “studies” of the alternatives are making money for some, but increasing the spending for taxpayers and do not lead us anywhere. Wake up, America!

Yul B. Draskovic

