
The personal can affect the political


I take issue with Michael Teahan’s column, “Tropico Perspective: Separating personal from political,” on June 19.

Separating personal conduct from politics is relatively important, but personal conduct should not be excused when that conduct substantially invades the political arena.

Personal or individual activity, such as extramarital sex, minor domestic abuse, divorce, or mishandling of personal funds or household budgets, should be discounted when evaluating a candidate’s positions or an elected official’s performance, but not totally overlooked.

When the personal injects itself into the political by seeking and taking money and other perks from developers, other businessmen and the wealthy to the neglect or relative disdain of the public’s social and economic condition, then that personal attitude must be fully considered when evaluating an official’s performance, both in the past and in the present.

Potential or actual corruption, personal or otherwise, in the City Council by any member, or in any other political office, including activities such as those alleged to have been committed by former Councilman John Drayman, cannot be overlooked, set aside or set apart as in a play.

“Honest politician” is, after all, an oxymoron. Therefore, each and every one of them needs to be fully evaluated and judged, whether his or her actions are personal, political or a combination of the two.

Richard Seeley

La Crescenta

Fashion reporting showed disrespect

In order to keep any further sensationalism and attention being drawn to this event, I will keep my comments brief regarding the June 15 article, “Fashionistas” — a review of Rosemont Middle School’s debut fashion show.

The use of “trendy” words in the article — wardrobe malfunction, daringly short skirts, bouncers, feathers and catwalk — were inappropriate. They were neither “cute” nor accurate in describing a very special evening created from a year’s worth of hard work and dedication.

It was a middle school fashion show put on by young teenage girls. Come on! Where is your discretion? Words create powerful images!

These students are our children, sisters and neighbors. Please try to be more respectful and responsible in your reporting. We need to support the dedicated principal, teachers and staff of this school.

Susan Kilpatrick

