
Residents ‘blown away’ by bonus amounts

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The public reacts to information recently released by Burbank officials that shows city employees have recieved $4 million in bonus pay since 2007.

“I’m blown away by that amount of money. That’s incredible — I want to work for Burbank.”

Jerad Moreno, 28, outside of Porto’s Bakery in Burbank

“That’s outrageous! Families are losing their jobs, insurance and homes in record number and they are giving themselves bonuses? What is our world coming to? How can I get a job with them?”

Emily Lindwood, 56, Porto’s Bakery in Burbank

“I don’t know, it’s fair because there’s the possibility and these people are actually doing a really good job. On the other hand, $22,000 or even $5,000 is a lot of money for ‘a really good job’ every year.”

Paul Ivanov, 31, outside of Starbucks, Empire Center

“Things like this just stink of corruption, even if there isn’t any going on. After Bell, I think everything needs to be scrutinized, especially people getting these huge bonuses....”

Patricia Garcia, 38, Starbucks, Empire Center

“That’s scary. I live on the border between Burbank and Glendale, but I come to Burbank for the services. Just in the past few years I’ve noticed less librarians and the children’s department seems to be okay, but I haven’t gotten as many books. It’s everywhere, seems like there’s less police and fire on the street and times are tough for everyone. They’re city employees and we all have to take a cut. I’d even be happy with a $30 bonus.”

Sarah Garcia, 30, outside of Burbank Central Library

“They are making cuts from regular working people. Instead they should use the money to open up more jobs. They’re just burning the money and if they open more work places, there are not going to be as many problems with families.”

Mike Matvosyan, 46, Burbank Central Library
