
DeBell and priorities in Burbank

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The same week I read in the Burbank Leader about part of “Burbank’s Finest” — the nice and caring crossing guards — being turned over to someone else (“City outsources crossing guards,” June 11) and that some of those crossing guards would lose their health insurance because of this, I also read that children’s programs and our fire department would have to make cuts.

I also read than an enormous amount of money would be given to help out the DeBell Golf Course (Council defends DeBell loan, June 18).

At the same time I was reading this, I was listening to the kids at Verdugo Park playing “Marco Polo” on the grass area at the park. As we all know, that is a game that is played in a swimming pool. But for the third summer in a row, Verdugo Pool remains closed.

Something is wrong with the Burbank’s priorities.

Donna Lowande


Why the extension won’t work

Yul B. Draskovic may fancy himself a logical person, but he obviously is not knowledgeable about the Long Beach (710) Freeway extension issue (It’s time to build the extension,” June 26).

He is correct in stating that the California Department of Transportation should have disposed of the surplus properties. Guess he is not aware that the opponents of the extension have been demanding that for decades.

Draskovic says that the 710 Freeway must be completed “as per the original route.” Sorry, but that’s not his call. Cities and counties make their own transportation decisions.

He also doesn’t seem to be aware that a federal injunction has been in place since 1973 against the construction of the freeway. South Pasadena is a 3.6-square-mile city that has decided that they don’t want a freeway through the middle of their town. It is their decision; not Draskovic’s.

It is also worth noting that the Pasadena Freeway goes through this small community. Draskovic states, without evidence, that there will be a “reduction of congestion, time and pollution.” As a logical engineer, he should know better.

In fact, Caltrans’ own statistics demonstrate that time will not be saved. Put the 710 Freeway through in any form, the Foothill (210) Freeway is going to clog. That’s a big reason why some Congressional members have opposed the freeway. And why the cities of La Cañada Flintridge and Glendale have joined South Pasadena in their opposition.

I’m afraid Draskovic is the individual that needs to wake up.

Bill Graham


No Native Americans, no worries

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) is grandstanding for votes, which he does often (“Grandstanding political weasels,” June 24). Why else would he fake concern and use our time on an event that Turkey denies?

There is no Native American voting bloc in his district, so why bother with their problems?

Lee Brandt

