
DUI crackdown yields 15 arrests

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Police arrested 15 motorists during a weekend crackdown on drunk driving in the city.

A police checkpoint Saturday at Los Feliz Road and Gardena Avenue yielded nine arrests for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, Glendale police officials said.

Another eight motorists were arrested for driving without a valid license or on a suspended license. Police also issued four citations and arrested two other people in connection with narcotics possession.

Thirteen vehicles were impounded during the checkpoint.

That same night, police dispersed throughout the city in search of drunk drivers.

Six motorists were arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, police said. Another five were arrested on suspicion of driving without a valid license or on a suspended license.

Five people were arrested in connection with narcotics or outstanding warrants, police said.

Three vehicles were impounded during the saturation patrols.

California Highway Patrol, Burbank, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Marino and South Pasadena police provided additional support during the DUI operations.

Veronica Rocha
