
Lunch break looks good at the Pointe

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Recently, there was an interesting confluence of stories in the paper. Though probably unintended, a story about the new future tenants at Burbank’s the Pointe office building (“KCET, DC Comics move in to area, June 25) was followed the next day by a dining review of the Clean Street Food truck (“Simple, fresh food from a truck,” June 26).

First of all, I’d like to express how refreshing it is to see a food truck reviewed, as they have become incredibly prevalent over the last couple of years, and many have excellent servings that deserve more attention.

Next, I’d like to point out (no pun intended) that the Pointe building on 2900 Alameda, in spite of being mostly empty on the inside, has become quite the popular gathering place. Every weekday, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., one can find as many as three different food trucks on an area on the building’s Alameda side.

Besides more literal fodder for future Leader/News-Press food reviews, it’s interesting to know that KCET employees might have diverse lunch breaks to look forward to.

Antonio E. Gonzalez


The electorate had its chance

During the 2011 election, it was suggested the city go back to the unions and tell them to renegotiate their lucrative salaries and pensions or the city should start out-sourcing jobs.

Sure, last year a couple of unions did not take any pay increases, or they accepted contributing larger amounts to their pension and healthcare programs. Some unions also accepted a two-tier employment program for future employees. But no incumbent candidate suggested outsourcing current jobs.

Like previous councils, they did not take on the entrenched unions, but kicked the can down the road. So far, it appears the present council will be doing the same.

Employees receiving annual pensions of $100,000 or more for life are unsustainable, especially in light of the fact that many city employees retire in their 50s or 60s and will be living 15 to 25 more years beyond retirement.

Citizens writing letters to the press or appearing before the City Council and complaining of closing libraries, parks and eliminating city services seems too little too late when the public had an opportunity to vote out two incumbent candidates last April, but only chose to remove one.

Mike Mohill


Don’t forget to put your flag out

Yesterday, June 14 was Flag Day. I put my flag out early, as I do every day.

In driving from north Glendale to downtown, Glendale, I counted the number of flags displayed on homes, mainly on residential streets. I counted seven.

What is wrong with people? Don’t they know that we live in the greatest country in the world and everyone should display our flag, and particularly on Flag Day?

Thanks to the city for displaying the flag on light posts. On July 4th, I would like to see a flag displayed on every home.

Francis Adams

