
<b>Editorial:</b> Cleanliness is in the baggie

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We’ve all seen it: dog feces at the park, on the sidewalk, on our shoes. Or perhaps you’ve taken the dog out for a quick walk before running errands and been caught by the dreaded squatting stance without a plastic baggie?

Fear not, Glendalians, “animal waste courtesy stations” are here.

Yes, you too could have a plastic baggie dispenser for pet do-do on your street. The stations can save you from the public embarrassment of being caught unprepared by your dog — or to embarrass others into start picking up after theirs.

It may sound like another example of silly government public assistance, but kudos to city officials for rolling out a program that engages people into actively participating in something that will have an everyday impact on our quality of life.

All it takes is a phone call and volunteer commitment to man the station, and the city takes care of the rest — baggies included.
