
The area’s best baseball value

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I attended the recent Glendale Angelenos baseball game at Stengel Field and witnessed an exciting game as they played the SoCal A’s.

These teams compete in the California Collegiate League, which is comprised of outstanding players from Glendale and other areas of the United States. The intimacy of Stengel Field, a real Glendale treasure, plus youth fans participating in on-the-field contests made for a real, old time, family ball game experience.

Without a doubt this is the best baseball value in town. All games are free except for the all-star game on Wednesday. Parking is close and the food is great. The food is catered by Café Primo and is very reasonable. In fact for five of us it was just $31.00.

It would be impossible to duplicate this experience at a Dodgers or Angels game. I urge all Glendalians and other nearby residents to go to Stengel Field, support the Glendale Angelenos and have a great time without big expenses.

Joe Kroening


No kisses or tears for Caylee

What do you do with a woman who parties while her child’s body lies decomposing in a swamp?

It was a compelling TV saga as we waited for an answer. So now we know. She gets welcomed back into the waiting arms of her club buddies and we get on with our lives.

Nobody paid for the crime of killing Caylee Anthony. Her mother didn’t even get charged with child endangerment for not reporting Caylee missing for a month. Remarkable!

There was jubilation in the courtroom, lots of hugs and kisses for Casey and the defense team. No hugs, kisses or tears for Caylee, though. So Casey gets to start a new life, perhaps haunted by the memory of her child with the big, trusting eyes.

But maybe not. Maybe the verdict reflects a change in our society where no one has to be burdened by a feeling of guilt. Are we unwilling to hold people responsible for the evil they allegedly do?

We are not perfect people and we make mistakes. Our lesser ones can be repaired, but depriving anyone of life — here, a helpless child — cannot be forgiven or understood.

Rosemary Klem

