
Cruise Night is a can’t miss

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Paul Revere and the Raiders, Mark Barnett as Roy Orbison, Abbey Road, a tribute to the Beatles, and to top it off the Chantays, with “pipeline like you’re standing on the North Shore of Hawaii, trying to catch a wave.” These four cats, once they invade Glendale for Cruise Night, will rock the house like no tomorrow.

You’ve got to tip your hat to the city of Glendale for putting this big party together — everybody in Glendale, and in Los Angeles, should bring everybody in the house to this party. We will show the world what makes Glendale a great city to live in.

Bring your dancing shoes and a box filled with sand, because the tide is high. Come out and hear some great rock ’n’ roll; enjoy good food and great people. Let the good times roll, and turn the music up and play it loud so the world can hear the party we’re having on Saturday!

Paul D. Carney


Utility appears far from smart

I was expecting the letter that I received today from Glendale Water & Power. I have been expecting it since it was announced that they were going to install “smart meters.”

A big reason for “smart meters” is to bill consumers for using electricity when we need it. We could be billed extra for using electricity during peak times. Rates will also probably go up if we don’t use enough. It is a losing situation.

Today’s letter had the gall to compare my electricity consumption to that of my neighbors. Why should Glendale Water & Power try to compare my usage to that of someone else? I am retired. I am home most days. I use television or my computer and air-conditioning for my physical and mental health.

And yet Glendale Water & Power wants to compare my consumption with someone who works five or six days a week. What should I do? Go sit in a library or shelter?

Glendale Water & Power spent a fortune to install these meters. They must recover that money. The letter that I received less than two weeks after the meter changes is the preliminary step to enforcement by the electricity and water police.

The next step is to start billing us extra for when we use the utilities that we have been paying for all of our lives.

John Hedblom

