
Fit for Life: Healthy eating as an investment

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Eating healthy helps you shrink your waistline but it can also shrink your wallet.

During my long runs down Magnolia Blvd. in Burbank, I am constantly running by places that boast a line of healthy and organic foods.

Finally, I visited one of those places, Full O’ Life Natural Foods Market and Restaurant. Good food? Check. Steep prices? Double check. While I was in line to pay $15 for two items, another customer bought two half-gallons of milk that totaled $15, as well.

I cringe when I have to pay nearly $4 for a whole gallon of milk, much less about $7 for a half-gallon. But, unfortunately, to eat healthy one has to dig deep into those pockets. It’s a shame that it has to be that way because if it wasn’t maybe more people would go down the health road instead of dropping into McDonalds for a 4-piece chicken nuggets deal.

This Full O’ Life place obviously isn’t hurting in this health-conscious 818 area as it has been around for 50 years. I’ve yet to try out its restaurant, but I am excited to do just that. And what do you know? They also offer healthy cooking classes on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for $15.

I know it can be tough to swallow but it’s a lot better than swallowing that calorie-filled fast food meal. It does hurt your wallet at times to be healthy, but think of it as a future investment for your health!

Mary Catherine Holcomb is a fitness enthusiast and can be reached at
