
It¿s time to step up to float finance

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It was a great relief to read in the Thursday Glendale News-Press of Rick Caruso’s generous and needed $25,000 donation and challenge (“Caruso issues float challenge,” July 21).

It was also very sad to learn that the citizens of Glendale could only come up with less than $600 in donations. (My mother donated $100 of that total, so the amount from others is less than $500.)

There is still time for the citizens of Glendale, the police and fire departments, other city employees and everyone else to be counted.

Much appreciation to Richard Lieboff for his letter on July 14, “City employees should bear float cost.” Thanks, Richard. I’m sure your letter greatly helped the Glendale Rose Parade float cause.

Dave Gubser


Big Brother is watching us

I recently received my first home electricity report from Glendale Water & Power. Welcome to a branch of the Gestapo.

This is certainly not the way to develop trust in our City Council or in Glendale Water & Power. This report compares my use of electricity to the neighbors surrounding my home. This is like comparing apples to oranges, takes an extra mailing, is printed in different colors, which is probably more expensive, and it makes a resident realize Big Brother is right there watching us.

This is really an affront to the citizens of Glendale. Talk about a police state. People on the whole have been doing their best to conserve energy.

We have a right to disagree with the installation of these meters and a right to criticize the City Council and the utility for forcing us to install said meters. A lot of people gave their lives to be certain we have the right to criticize and disagree, and to be able to voice these views.

So neither the City Council nor the Glendale Water & Power should be surprised about the public outcry.

I can hardly wait for the next report, which will undoubtedly be a “home water usage report.”

Benla Bennett

