
Bites and Sights: The importance of community

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I never really gave much thought to the importance of community until I moved to a new one. I was born and raised in the South Bay so when I moved to Pasadena two years ago I found myself feeling a little lost.

I no longer had my favorite coffee shop to visit, no familiar people at the super market to chat with and I hadn’t gotten to know my neighbors yet. It took a few months to get into the swing of things.

I actually hadn’t realized how attached I was to my old stomping grounds until I was no longer there. The transition was more difficult than I imagined, as are all things pertaining to change. But over time, I’ve grown to love my new community.

I have a new favorite coffee shop that I frequent and I’ve grown to love my neighbors who I look forward to chatting with every time we pass each other in the hall.

Now, with a new baby, my community is more important to me than ever. On those days when I’m feeling overworked and exhausted from yet again another sleepless night, I know I can walk down the street to my favorite cafe and see the familiar faces who I’ve gotten to know through the years and who now my daughter knows too.

Knowing the people in your community means having a support system. Someone to rely on when you’re not feeling your best or just someone to catch up with briefly while ordering a cup of coffee. A little chat and smile goes a long way and sometimes that’s exactly what I need.

Garinee Soudjian is a writer and blogger who is a food and community enthusiast. She can be reached at
