
Fit for Life: Age is just a number

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Described as ‘dance-like movements’, I knew I wouldn’t be able to participate without looking like an idiot and the fact that the Tai Chi class at Sparr Heights Community Center at 1613 Glencoe Way in Glendale is targeted at senior citizens may not go hand in hand with me either.

So, I took a backseat at the 8:40 a.m. class on Friday and watched as the class of about 16 went through the Tai Chi moves like they have been doing it for years. All of the students - including two men - were in complete silence as instructor John Yee led them through the moves.

But to be honest, it sure didn’t look like those students needed any guidance as they were making it look like a piece of cake. Said to be a class that can “bring balance, harmony and relaxation to participants,” it seems like a great alternative for older adults who may not be able to handle all of the stress that a more intense workout can place on the body.

But for some who are still looking to hit the ground running, you can join in on the senior fitness and weight training classes offered at the center on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. led by Yvonne Logo. Seems like the people in charge at Sparr Heights know what they’re doing.

If you are a senior citizen looking for an activity to get you moving, call the center at (818) 548-2188.

Mary Catherine Holcomb is a fitness enthusiast and can be reached at
