
In defense of Walmart


Did people complain 70 years ago that they had too many aircraft plants in Burbank? Are people complaining now that we have too many movie and TV studios in Burbank, too many hospitals, too many Costcos?

Walmart will not harm any efficient-running business (“Walmart’s good, bad effects,” July 23). Maybe if you don’t need a year’s supply of tortilla chips from Costco, you get a small bag at Walmart. Costco has maybe two or three different shirt styles. Walmart has 15. Costco has no dress or hiking shoes or work boots, Walmart does.

Walmart will spread the tax base for Burbank, bringing more money into the city. Walmart will hire hundreds of people. These are the jobs the out-of-work crossing guards can do. These are jobs for retired people and high school students.

One writer described Walmart’s pricing as “predatory price practice.” Really? How about the predatory pricing at liquor stores, or 7-Eleven if you want to buy a quart of milk or those tortilla chips?

How many of you do not look for the lowest price when buying most things? Sure, if you are going out to a nice place for dinner, you don’t choose fast food, but when buying a refrigerator or a TV, you will head for Costco, Best Buy or Walmart and do some comparing.

A Walmart in Burbank will also save gas for people who drive out to the Porter Ranch or Santa Clarita Walmarts.

Most arguments against Walmart can be said for Costco as well, and Costco is definitely good for Burbank.

The fact that Walmart is non-union may have a lot to do with some peoples’ opposition.

Walmart is about more choices for consumers in Burbank.

Tim Elliott

